Swords, Spacemen, and Superspies Slipcase Set – Henk Comics

Swords, Spacemen, and Superspies Slipcase Set

Swords, Spacemen, and Superspies Slipcase Set


1 in stock


Special import of James Kolchaka’s wonderful new special slipcase set of books!
Swords, Spacemen, and Superspies: James Kochalka returns to Black Eye Books with a set of three new stories replete with adventure, humor, and more than a little bit of introspection. Available only as a bundle at this limited time! Three books! And as an extra our great friends @blackeyebooks included a sticker set with each box!! Get yours before they are all gone!

Elf Cat is Famous

Elf Cat is swordless and forlorn, and it’s time to turn his fortunes around. Together with his sidekick, a magic tennis ball (and CEO of the magic tennis ball corporation), Elf Cat ventures forth in a dungeons-&-dragonesque adventure to make his mark in the world and get FAMOUS. Running petty scams while getting scammed himself, Elf Cat might not be the sly rogue he thinks he is. It’s all a clever metaphor for the plight of the artist trying to navigate social media and make it big in the creative economy…or maybe just scrape by with the help of your friends. 6×9, black and white, 100 pages.!

Moon Book Prototype

A lonely warrior on the moon just wants a little peace and quiet to enjoy reading his book, but instead must fend off two other warriors looking for a good brawl and whatever scraps of loot he might possess. Fans of The Murderbot Diaries will love this one. 6×9, full colour, 20 pages.

Duck Fighter

Take a young, naive, blond James Bond except replace the Russians or evil geniuses with ducks and you’ve got the hottest new superspy ever to splash across the page. Will the ladies of the Sweet Sisterhood of Duck Appreciation stand in his way, or will they fall in love with our dashing hero? And what if the true enemy is…ourselves? An absurd adventure for our absurd times. 6×9, full colour, 90 pages.

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